Channel: Peace Cards
IDEAL COPYは印刷物としてのトランプを選択した。
53枚のトランプ・セット(PEACE CARDS)が山積みにされた傍で、
As a participant in the group exhibition “The Imprinted ideas,”
IDEAL COPY selected ordinary playing cards as a “printed product”
on which to base its installation. Fifty-three slide images of playing cards
where projected—in effect, re-“printed”—onto the museum wall
in actual size using thirteen slide projectors arranged in a row.

1990 「観念の刻印」展|栃木美術館|栃木
2021 「平成美術:うたかたと瓦礫デブリ 1989–2019」展|京都市京セラ美術館|京都
1990 The Imprinted Ideas | Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts | Utsunomiya, JAPAN
2021 Bubbles / Debris: Art of the Heisei Period 1989–2019 |
Kyoto city KYOCERA Museum of Art | Kyoto, JAPAN